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Our Seven Key Areas of Service

Each service described below represents a domain of expertise and knowledge. These can be deployed in combination or independently depending on the scope and nature of the project. 

The execution of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

We have extensive experience and numerous completed Environmental Impact Assessment projects as is evident in our track record.


An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process that seeks to determine what impact a proposed project, plan or programme is likely to have on the environment.

The execution of Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs)

The primary purpose of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to determine and evaluate the environmental implications of development, in order to inform decision-making at the project level.


However, at the planning, programming and policy level there are more strategic decisions that are typically made that influence the nature of the development. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has therefore evolved, to determine, proactively, the most suitable development type, area for development, raise ‘red flags’ in terms of sensitivity levels of natural areas, etc. before development proposals are formulated.

The monitoring and auditing of Environmental Compliance

The focus here is on how the environment is being impacted and whether this impact is in line with initial estimates. Any project or plan at its outset will determine what the environmental impact is going to be. We monitor, quantify and report on this impact as the project proceeds. This monitoring is done within a pre-determined framework and ensures that any potential damage to the environment is mitigated.

Conducting of Specialist Studies

Specialist studies form an integral component of an overall Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The aim of the specialist study phase is to initially provide background information on the receiving environment of the project site. Secondly, to provide information on the positive and negative impacts potentially arising from activities related to the project alternatives. Specialist studies also recommend mitigation actions to enhance potential positive impacts and to reduce negative impacts.


Our specialists have demonstrated competence and proven track records in various specialist fields related to EIAs. They have appropriate qualifications, experience and professional memberships from recognised professional bodies.


As a result, we are able to offer specialist studies in the following areas:


  • Overall biodiversity studies and assessments;

  • Ecological studies and Impact Assessments (Fauna & Flora);

  • Wetland Impact Assessments;

  • Avifauna Impact Assessments;

  • Aquatic Macro-Invertebrate Bio-monitoring;

  • General water studies and aquatic assessments; and

  • Heritage Impact Assessments.

  • Environmental Control Officer (ECO);

  • Plant Search & Rescue

The obtaining of Land Rights through Negotiation

The issue of land rights can present a formidable challenge. This issue can both delay the kickoff and hinder the progress of projects. We address this challenge for you through an experienced and extensive network of negotiators. We negotiate land rights for a wide variety of purposes, which could include the registration of servitudes to be used for roads, underground pipelines, and infrastructure for the mining industry, among other purposes.

The securing of Public Participation

Public participation is an essential element of the EIA process. In fact, no project or programme can succeed without the necessary community participation and public involvement. To achieve this end, Setala offers you a wealth of experience. In order to secure the most appropriate and effective public participation we, amongst other steps, do the following:


  • identify all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs)

  • compile information documents for distribution amongst I&APs

  • address the concerns of all I&APs

  • organise and attend public meetings and workshops (this includes chairing meetings, presenting projects and facilitating discussions)

  • document all proceedings, findings, and recommendations of the Public Participation Program


Most importantly, in striving to secure public participation, we handle conflict situations, with the aim of reaching a reasonable consensus prior to the finalisation of a project.

The provision of Water-Related Expertise

The scope of this domain is broad and its depth is deep, but we have the professional acumen and skills to deal with water-related issues that arise within the arena of EIAs.


In matters relating to water use and licensing, we can assist in terms of a legal assessment (in terms of the 1998 National Water Act) and the drafting of Water Use License Applications (WULA), together with the supporting technical motivation.


In addition, we can establish water management plans and assessments, which include the compilation of Integrated Water and Waste Management Plans (IWWMP)

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